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So I guess I need to play a little catchup here. When Chad works on the road, our lives get a little hectic traveling back and forth. In my last post Aidan had just started swimming lessons and wasn't quite sure how he felt about them...he ended up loving them!!

Next came Aidan's Jog-a-thon fundraiser at St. Rose in which he ran the furthest in his class and was extremely proud of himself!

Then his last day of 3-year-old Preschool...if you ask him what his favorite thing about school was, his answer is always Junior Joggers.

The day after school got out, Aidan setup a Junior Jogger course and got Owen to run laps with him...
I'm not sure who loves the boys being at work more!

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We took the boys to the 123 Imagine Sesame Street show last month. They both loved it and Owen was dancing in the isle!

Owen eating his spaghetti and "meatmalls" before the show

They talked Daddy into a souvenir Elmo balloon.
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Aidan and Owen are active swimmers, but because our summers are spent on the road with Chad we haven't been able to enroll them in swimming lessons yet. The Moses Lake High School pool is indoor and they had an opening in their beginner class this month so Aidan decided to give it a go...

This was as far as he got before he decided the water was too cold and the lesson was over. I did convince him to sit with his legs in the water and watch the rest of the kids. He’s a pretty shy kid and it was kind of chaotic, but thankfully he is willing to try it again Thursday.
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My mom, cousin Mica and I have started the tradition of running Bloomsday together. This year my brother Colin decided to join us. Actually, Mom and I run together, Mica is a couple of minutes a mile faster than us and Colin blows us all out of the water.

On our way to Spokane Saturday afternoon, we found out my cousin Becky had her baby the night before (I had mentioned to her I would appreciate his arrival coordinating with our trip). He is a very sweet bundle of joy. Congratulations Becky and Jon!